First steps i made in Google cloud automation
Google offers 1 year free trail (Up to 300$) for using Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
In this script i created a new virtual machine via python script

I used Ubuntu linux to run the script,
1. Enable Google compute API
go to –

2. Create a new project
Click the small arrow at the top (near Google APIs) and choose ‘New Project’ and give the new project a name (Project1 in my case)

3. Create service account
this account will use to connect to the cloud via the API script, go to
and click ‘Create service account’

Set the new account name (in my case – ServiceAcc1)

Select the role of the new account (in my case – Owner)

Click ‘Continue’ , Click ‘Finish’
4. Create Key
Choose Action -> Create key and Choose ‘JSON’ key type and click ‘Create’

A new file will be download automatically , the file name will be somthing like – “project1-12345-2sfdgs9e35522.json”
5. Install Python Cloud library
SSH to the linux machine that will run the Python script and install apache-libcloud python library
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sudo apt install python-pip sudo pip install apache-libcloud |
6. Copy the JSON file the the Linux machine
Via FTP/SCP or copy the file content and paste to a new file via VI,
For example (Using Copy/Paste):
vim project1-12345-2sfdgs9e35522.json
Paste the data from the file you downloaded
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{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "project1-XXXX", "private_key_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "", "client_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" } |
Save the file and exit ( [ESC] & :wq )
7. Create the Python script
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from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver ComputeEngine = get_driver(Provider.GCE) driver = ComputeEngine('', '/home/user1/project1-12345-2sfdgs9e35522.json', project='project1-XXXX') size = 'n1-standard-1' instance = 'debian-7' zone = 'us-central1-a' sa_scopes = [ { 'email': '', 'scopes': ['storage-ro'] } ] driver.create_node("node-web1", size, instance, zone, ex_service_accounts=sa_scopes) |
Update this parameters:
1 your service account email (You can found this inside the JSON file)
2 path to JSON file (The JSON file you downloaded)
3 your project id (You can found this inside the JSON file)
8. Run the script
Attention– This script will create a new VM, This can cost money $$$ in case you not eligible for free use
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And after few seconds you have the new VM ‘node-web1’ running at Google Cloud, Don’t forget to delete it later 🙂

Google cloud automation is friendly and easy to use for python users