A small script i made in Python to create virtual machine at Amazon AWS and install application

In this example The script creates EC2 virtual machine and install squid proxy on it
You can find all the source code is at Github
Let me know of any Bugs/Feature requests 🙂
Some Screen Shots:

The ‘AWS’ part of the source code:
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# Scripts for AWS # By Sharon Saadon - sharonsaa@gmail.com import sys import boto3 import cloudplay_conf as vars def create_ec2(name, region): if region=='': region=vars.default_region ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name = vars.region_name[region], aws_access_key_id=vars.ACCESS_ID, aws_secret_access_key=vars.ACCESS_KEY) result = ec2.create_instances( ImageId = vars.image_id, MinCount = 1, MaxCount = 1, InstanceType = 't2.micro', KeyName =vars.KeyName , SubnetId = vars.region_SubnetId[region]) instance = result[0] ec2.create_tags(Resources = [instance.id], Tags = [{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': name}]) return instance def get_vms(region): if region=='': region=vars.default_region try: vms = [] ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2", region_name = vars.region_name[region], aws_access_key_id=vars.ACCESS_ID, aws_secret_access_key=vars.ACCESS_KEY) for i in ec2.instances.filter(): name = "" if i.tags: for tag in i.tags: if tag['Key'] == "Name": name = tag['Value'] vols = [] snaps = [] for vol in i.volumes.all(): for attach in vol.attachments: vols.append({'id': vol.id, 'size': vol.size, 'device': attach['Device']}) for snap in vol.snapshots.all(): snaps.append({'id': snap.id, 'volume': snap.volume_id}) sgs = [] for sg in i.security_groups: sgs.append(sg['GroupId']) vms.append({'id': i.instance_id, 'type': i.instance_type, 'arch': i.architecture, 'ami': i.image_id, 'created': str(i.launch_time), 'public ip': i.public_ip_address, 'private ip': i.private_ip_address, 'key': i.key_name, 'subnet': i.subnet_id, 'state': i.state['Name'], 'vpc': i.vpc_id, 'name': name, 'volumes': vols, 'security groups': sgs, 'snapshots': snaps, 'zone': i.placement['AvailabilityZone']}) return vms except: a, b, c = sys.exc_info() print ("Error: Could not list VMs: " + str(b)) return [] def get_ec2_ip(name,region): if region=='': region=vars.default_region try: ip='' ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2", region_name = vars.region_name[region], aws_access_key_id=vars.ACCESS_ID, aws_secret_access_key=vars.ACCESS_KEY) for i in ec2.instances.filter(): i_name = "" if i.tags: for tag in i.tags: if tag['Key'] == "Name": i_name = tag['Value'] #print 'name='+name,'id='+i.instance_id,'name='+i_name if (name !='' and name==i.instance_id): ip=i.public_ip_address break elif (name !='' and name==i_name): ip=i.public_ip_address break return ip except: a, b, c = sys.exc_info() print ("Error: Could not find Instance "+name+" "+id+" IP: " + str(b)) return [] |
Scripting and AWS gives alot of power to create applications instantly and automate your DataCenter