I added VMware Esxi 5.1 server and vCenter 5.1 appliance
Nexus1000v-1 is now a cluster of two Nexus1000v VSM
Also added the ESXi server as a module #3 (VEM) of the N1Kv
and created a SVS connection to the vCenter appliance
(Added a 1 VMware guest named (Server-1))
N1Kv-1# show module Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status — —– ——————————– —————— ———— 1 0 Virtual Supervisor Module Nexus1000V active * 2 0 Virtual Supervisor Module Nexus1000V ha-standby 3 248 Virtual Ethernet Module NA okN1Kv-1# show svs connections connection VC: ip address: remote port: 80 protocol: vmware-vim https certificate: default datacenter name: Sharontools_DC1 admin: max-ports: 8192 DVS uuid: 3c b9 2b 50 c1 ce 31 07-0a 42 37 4f 2f e3 0b af config status: Enabled operational status: Connected sync status: Complete version: VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0 build-880146 vc-uuid: 64833C99-5F5B-4AD1-B690-72E1C838A3C6 |